Video Edit Magic v4.46
Вышла новая версия хорошей программы для редактирования цифрового видео. С помощью Video Edit Magic вы можете накладывать на видеоматериал эффекты из библиотеки, выбирая из более 150 переходов и фильтров, разрезать и склеивать аудио и видео файлы, добавлять на изображение титры. Также в программе имеется возможность изменить продолжительность вашего видеоклипа, а также его скорость воспроизведения (без изменения частоты кадров). Video Edit Magic поддерживает работу со следующими форматами: AVI, WAV, WMA, WMV, ASF, MPEG, QuickTime, AIFF, AU, SND, MIDI, BMP, JPG, GIF, TGA. Программа может производить захват видео с любого внешнего устройства, включая цифровую камеру, видеомагнитофон и веб-камеру. В последней версии улучшена временная шкала (Timeline). Перенос файлов и эффектов на нее работает быстрее, а внешний вид стал проще. Также добавлена возможность более точно перемещаться по клипу, улучшена обрезка и разрезание видео.

Its drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to capture video footage, and assemble a movie in mere minutes. Add professional scene transitions, some background music, and a couple of title effects, and you're ready to show the world your finished masterpiece.
Edit and combine popular file formats including AVI, WMV, MP3, MPEG, MOV, JPEG and many more, all on the same timeline. This really comes in handy, and saves a lot of time, when you want to create something truly unique from multiple media sources. Video Edit Magic can edit AVI, MPEG (1 and 2) and WMV files directly—there's no need to convert them to another format first.
Video Edit Magic makes movies in the MPEG formats that are used when creating DVDs, VCDs, and SVCDs. You can also output to QuickTime, AVI, and WMV formats. Movies can be made to NTSC or PAL standards.
Video Edit Magic makes it easy to join, split, crop, trim, modify color, and merge your video files. It includes more than 150 professional quality transitions and visual effects. Some popular ones are Rotate, Green Screen, Picture-In-Picture, Pixelate, and Wipes. A unique benefit of Video Edit Magic is the volume track which is displayed as a volume graph allowing you to change the volume of audio clips at any point from 0% to 400%. You can create fade-ins, fade-outs, Doppler effects, and almost any volume effect.
Video Edit Magic is the ideal way for hobbyists and professionals to turn ordinary videos into works of art.
View our Flash demo to see what you can do with Video Edit Magic.
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With Video Edit Magic you can:
Capture video and audio from any USB or FireWire input device
Edit the audio and video components of a single file separately
Combine multiple audio and video files, effects, and transitions using a full-featured 9 track timeline
Add visual effects to your videos
Enhance your movies with more than 150 unique transitions
Use any DirectShow-compatible add-on effects and transitions
Overlay one video over another, use picture-in-picture, or sophisticated “green screen” effects
Make movies in AVI, MPEG, WMV, QuickTime, and DV AVI formats
Import and export high definition 1080i video
Create movies in widescreen (16:9) format
Add a musical score or voiceover to your video file
Adjust audio volume at any point on the timeline using unique volume tracks
Join multiple media files, regardless of format, into a single movie
Add text Titles and Credits
Remove unwanted footage from your videos and audios
Create DVD and VCD format files
Change color and contrast
Zoom or rotate video
Export your videos directly to any digital video camera
Repair common file format problems in AVI, MPEG, QuickTime, and WMV files
What's New in Video Edit Magic 4.4?
Improved Timeline The Timeline has been simplified and streamlined. Drag-and-drop is more flexible and more accurate.
Enhanced Cropping and Splitting: You can now select exactly which tracks to crop or split.
Precise Navigation: Use the arrow keys to move the Seek Slider one frame at a time.
File Size: 14.04 MB
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