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WAZZUP.SU » СОФТ » Genie Backup Manager Server v8.0.323.493

СОФТ : Genie Backup Manager Server v8.0.323.493
Genie Backup Manager Server v8.0.323.493
информация о софте
Название: Genie Backup Manager Server v8.0.323.493
Категория: Резервное копирование даных
Разработчик: н/а
Год выпуска: 2008
Кол...во CD|Тип: 1
Размер файла: 149 MB
Кол...во партов: 1
Залито на: deposit, letitbit, rapidshare

О программе:   Genie Backup Manager Server - это мощное, гибкое и простое в использованиии программное обеспечение для резервного копирования и восстановления файлов, документов, электронной почты, параметров настройки, программ на любом локальном или удаленном устройстве. Genie Backup Manager Server - это единственное резервное программное обеспечение, которое предлагает неограниченное количество бесплатных дополнений к программе, которые пользователь может загрузить или создать, чтобы расширить возможности программы. Резервное копирование на фактически любое устройство, включая: внешние и внутренние жесткие диски, SAN, NAS, и LAN сети, карты памяти (Flash карты), CD/DVD медиа (DVD±RW/DVD±R/DVD-RAM/CD-R/CD-RW), съёмные медиа устройства (дискеты, ZIP диски, JAZ и т.д.), удаленные сети, использующие FTP-сервис.

   Ключевые возможности:

- MS SQL резервное копирование
- MS Exchange резервное копирование
- расширенный механизм резервного копирования
- 4 типа резервного копирования
- загрузка бесплатных дополнений к программе
- CRC проверка данных
- поиск файлов
- симуляция CD/DVD резервного копирования перед прожигом

Резервное копирование и восстановление следующих типов данных:

- Microsoft SQL Server
- Microsoft Exchange
- фото-файлы
- медиа-файлы
- Microsoft Outlook Express 5 и выше
- Microsoft Outlook (2000/2002/2003)
- избранное
- настройки Internet Explorer
- Windows-настройки (Dialup, внешний вид, мышь, курсоры, консоль, и т.д.)
- реестр Windows
- адресная книга Windows
- фоны
- мои документы
- рабочий стол

Genie Backup Manager Server is a total system and data protection solution for Windows Server backup that combines ease-of-use and robust performance. It allows users to perform fast backup and recovery jobs reliably, and protects corporate and enterprise solutions against various types of threats such as system failure, human error, and disaster.

GBM Server V8.0; equipped with enhanced disaster recovery feature, guarantees your business continuity by backing up your whole system (Operating System, Applications, Documents, E-mails, Settings, Desktop, Files/Folders, MS Outlook, and Win Mail, etc) and offering faster and easier recovery without the need for MS Windows installation CD, through a clear cut wizard-based interface. Added to that, GBM Server backup provides users with Continuous Data Protection for SQL and Exchange (2003/2007) data delivering higher reliability. With SQL and Exchange CDP, your data is backed up continuously providing dependable data corruption protection, including rollback to a point in time that ensures little or no data loss.

GBM also caters for the data protection needs of business enterprises, by offering features that ensure a reliable backup mechanism for mission critical data, such as backing up using Open File Backup (OFB), for businesses operating around the hour that cannot afford to shutdown its running applications during backup, highly secure encryption, for sensitive documents that must not fall into the wrong hands and scheduling unattended backup tasks for regularly safeguarding constantly changing data.

As we introduce GBM Server 8, we are confident that it can efficiently and effectively address all your data protection needs. Let GBM work for you and never again worry about losing what you have spent years building or collecting.

Disaster Recovery

Regain access to your data, hardware and software and resume personal and critical business operations once a data loss scenario occurs. Never again should data loss due to computer viruses, Trojan horses or malware infections, system and/or equipment failure, power outrage, robbery, fire, natural disaster, security breaches, terrorist attack, human error, organized or deliberate disruptions, and illegal programs, be an issue. With GBM’s enhanced PE technology, which also supports Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows Vista, you can perform your DR backup plan. It is also possible to perform your DR backup plan remotely.

Free Open File Backup Option

End users, network and system administrators are becoming acutely aware that their current backup software solutions are failing at the very thing they were purchased to do: backing up the most critical data in their organization and desktops. The reason for this backup failure is that the most important files created, files changing regularly and in use by business-critical applications performing important functions on this data cannot be interrupted. To a lesser degree this can be the case for personal users as well. To overcome this shortcoming GBM Home, Pro and Server editions provides built-in open/in use and locked file backups via Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Vista Volume Shadow Copy service (VSS) technology. No additional applications or plug-ins are necessary. However, Genie-soft’s powerful add-on supersedes many of the limitations still present using Windows VSS technology. So if you need the extra functionality www.luxter.ru , try Open File Backup (OFB), especially if you intend to backup open files across different types of network infrastructures. This aids in business continuity or continuance (BC).

Continuous Data Protection (CDP) for SQL

Now you can create a single backup job that can run different backup types during the month, week, day, or evenevery hour. You can also set how many backup versions are needed to save space and time. Single Level Protection (SLP) enables users to run a single backup type to their multiple database backup.

Continuous Data Protection (CDP) for Exchange

CDP is also enhanced for protecting your multiple Exchange storage groups in an intuitive easy to use interface that also enables multiple backup types to run during the month, week, day, or even every hour. Single Level Protection (SLP) is also supported for simple backup routines.

Enhanced Online Backup Integration

Keep your data out of danger by remotely using Genie Online Backup to backup to, and restore from, using an encryption strength of 128-bit over a Secure Socket Layers (SSL) for data transmissions. Enhanced features allow you to easily view manage and delete your online backup storage. Added bandwidth throttling controls how much internet bandwidth GBM uses during uploads etc. Improved connectivity enables auto resumes when a connection is lost but
then returns.

Improved Scheduling Capabilities

It is so much easier and reliable if backing up can be scheduled, whether while logged-on or logged-off your system. Scheduling can be achieved using the easy-to-use smart backup scheduler. Different backup jobs can be performed at different times and intervals, snooze or even pause scheduled backup(s), and prompt GBM 8.0 editions to postpone backups if the system is running on batteries (Laptop Power Optimization Support). There are two scheduling modes: Basic and Advanced. Please note that Advanced Scheduling is only available in GBM Pro and Server.

REV Support

Now with new Iomega REV support, computer users can automatically erase, enable or disable write, and password protect, before and after a backup job.

Enhanced Graphical User Interface

GBM 8.0 editions combine ease-of-use and user-interface consistency -containing everything under one roof. This means that computer users can organize and use GBM more effectively, without getting confused or lost; unlike with so many other backup programs. Try any GBM 8.0 edition and see how intuitive and easy it is to backup and restore your data.

Enhanced Filtering Options

Added support for date and file size filtering (GBM Home) and newly added in to scripting (GBM Pro i Server).

Control Power Options and Backup Speed

Within GBM’s preferences, it is possible on a slider, to select the impact of a backup and restore job. For example, “Quick Backup” means the CPU will be utilized for getting the backup and restore job completed as quickly as possible. This will impact on other computing tasks being performed during this time. A compromise is to select “Faster Computer” so that you can continue every computing task while the backup or restore job is completing without any discernable hit on performance. Moreover, it is also possible to select whether on a particular job to shutdown or log-off the computer, plus many more options. Please note that these features are not available in GBM Home 8.0 but are available in GBM Pro and Server.

Pause/Snooze Backups

Using the easy-to-use smart backup scheduler, performing different backup jobs at different times and intervals, snooze or even pause scheduled backup(s), and prompt GBM 8.0 to postpone backups if the system is running on batteries (Laptop Power Optimization Support) is one of many new features added in to all GBM 8.0 editions.

New Compression Engine
The new 64-bit Zip archive efficient engine is more resource friendly. Allowing for faster backups and better compressing capabilities.

Improved Connectivity]

GBM 8.0 now detects when a backup destination is accessible and also reports disconnected network (mapped) drives being backed up.

homepage: http://www.genie-soft.com/

О файле:

Активация|рег код: есть
Язык Интерфейса: English
Формат файла: rar
Платформа: Windows



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