You need a professional who'll monitor the workability of your servers with 1000$ salary.
The CMS is, on the average,500$
The designer, will cost you about 200$
The layout designer who will make layouts for the pages of your website would cost you 500$ .
And then there is the programmer, who'll deal with the necessary corrections to the CMS.
With all this your website will cost you 1500$. Add the slary of managers, bookkeepers, administrators and webstudio directors, and you can easily double this sum.
So how can internet agencies make websites on a much lower budget?
Why, that's very simple. They rent cheap hosting systems (we've described their drawbacks previously), take some free CMS, hire development newbies, usually so called freelancers who fulfill the task at a very low payment rate, and do that in quite a slipshoddy, crude way. As far as the design and the layout go, they don't make them from scratch but rather take some ready solutions or construction sets, changing 2-3 pages to fit the style and business area of your company.
You might be surprised but the majority of web studios have neither programmers nor layout designers. And whatever goes on in the depth of coding is far beyond their depth. And the very moment something breaks, your website might be running a risk of never returning to its previous working condition. Best case scenario, it'll be restored from some ancient long forgotten backup image with outdated, and for a significant part lost, content.
In the end you can only hope your website won't attract anyone, will have low visibility, low traffic ranking, and low cost-effectiveness. And that's how such web studios roll.
So what do We offer?
We offer you to forego any unnecessary expenditures, workers, and instability, and take ownership of the process.
Creation of websites as practiced by most web studios is a couple-of-clicks work that's done within one workday.
You should remember that the situations are actually not all that rare when one web studio places an order for another web studio that then hires temps (freelancers) And with each new party the price rises and the quality falls.
You can purchase our hosting services, acquire a license for the most reliable, features-rich and high quality Content Management System, and we'll install it for you within a day, actually for free, on basis of ready layouts, and fix up the structure, logos and other small adjustments, all to fit your organizations style and profile. And you can have any necessary corrections and extra functionality added by our high qualified programming team for an affordable extra payment.
You can be sure that the website will function with a flawless stability due to having a robust technical support by Bitrix, our hosting and knowledge and skills of our programmers and layout designers.
So, are you ready? Then let's move to the next stage.